Some might ask the question what is a Tuk Tuk? Well, it is the Thai version of our Indian auto rickshaw. And why am I talking about it while in Amsterdam? Well I found one yesterday evening while looking for a location to watch the Germany vs Uruguay match. And there she was, a beauty in Orange with flags, garlands, in Dutch colours. I directly had an idea. I need to do a "price to camera" once again using an auto rickshaw as a backdrop while being in Europe.
I quickly did but a heavy thunder shower with lightening and rains was on the way, so suddenly the owner of the Tuk Tuk turned up to put it back into the garage. And he was more then happy for us to shoot his vehicle. His friends also turned up and they told us about their club of friends which was situated behind the house where the Tuk Tuk stood. And there was this small club house in which these people meet-up on Friday's and enjoy their time. Normally over the autumn, winter and spring; but during the World Cup they have met for the matches of the Netherlands.
During our conversation we get the offer if we want to tour Amsterdam in the Tuk Tuk the next morning. And it is an offer too good to turn down, so at 8.45 am the next morning we are back at the club, have a cup of coffee and then we are off to visit the hotspots of Amsterdam to shoot with the Tuk Tuk and interview people ahead of tonight's game. It is an enjoyable ride as it isn't a typical Asian vehicle as the owner has tuned in up a little over the years and surely could have taken part in the MTV series "Pimp My Ride".
We first went to the Museum Plein, the main square for public viewing in Amsterdam where tonight over 70,000 people are expected to view the game. Construction was at the time still on in full swing and I got the chance to interview locals, tourists from Spain and the USA plus media colleagues. Thereafter we drove through the small lanes of Amsterdam along the water and our rickshaw was an attraction for all, who hadn't seen something like this before we ended our morning at a major square with further interviews and reactions before the game. One could feel the buzz in the city ahead of the game. And also the Tuk Tuk ride ended for us...
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